Kahlie Lockyer
Kahlie Lockyer is an emerging artist of Aboriginal descent, a member of the Ngarluma and Karriyarra peoples of the Pilbara region and NyulNyul, Yawuru and Jaru peoples of the Kimberley region.
Kahlie’s art portrays the Aboriginal voice from her own standpoint, particularly Aboriginal health and wellbeing, healing, and her connection to country. Using natural ochres or charcoal, she creates realist portraiture artworks which reference personal and historical narratives.
Additionally, she creates contemporary Aboriginal paintings with acrylic or watercolour paints, depicting Aboriginal culture in various ways, particularly saltwater people. Furthermore, Kahlie also brings together human biology and anatomy with Aboriginal culture and landscapes depicting Aboriginal health and well-being, connection to country and how that connection is imperative to Aboriginal health. Likewise, depicting how country is more than the land and that Aboriginal people are a part of country.