Robyn Jean
Robyn Jean is a Noongar /Yamatjt Yorga (woman) from the South West of Western Australia, currently living in Perth, Western Australia. 'My great grandmother Rosie was one of the stolen generation, taken from her family at the age of nine.
My mother and her siblings endured struggles and hardships but learnt to survive and live productive successful lives. Growing up this was a real inspiration for me and made me realise the importance of our Aboriginal cultural, both past and present. We maintain our cultural heritage through our art, storytelling and caring for the land as our people have done for over 60,000 years. Art is an outward expression of my journey.
Robyn has studied Contemporary Aboriginal art at Curtin University with Sandra Hill as her lecturer. She enjoyed a couple years as an Indigenous education officer at the Art Gallery of WA, travelled as an artist in resident to schools across the state under the visual arts foundation and spent 5 years in education as an Aboriginal education officer and then as a consultant.
Robyn enjoys the different forms of mediums, including ephemeral art, ceramics, drawing, water colour and acrylics. She has worked on public art projects with her mother Norma MacDonald. 'I love to help people find their place of belonging in art, and art is a powerful way to connect with others in communityand keep our culture alive'.